waking up at the wilson household occurs anytime between 7:30 am and 2:00pm. xander always, always gets up first. then it's me. he fusses, bangs on the wall, strums the heater vent like a guitar, and waits. as i drag myself out of bed, there's that smelly question of...poop or no poop? right as i near the door, i can always tell, though. after the poop-changing commences, we are on to bigger and better things. like bananas, milk, granola bars, coffee, and eggs. mind you, he gets everything first. he is RAVENOUS in the am. whimpering in his high chair and reaching towards the fruit basket, i am always rushing around like mad to get him satisfied. only after about 20 minutes of getting his sustenance, making coffee and breakfast for myself, and cleaning up, can i sit down to some music and facebook. music is an essential part of my morning.
after chow time, i usually sit around on the internet for an hour or so, and xander has playtime with stuff (not his toys...ever).
then i may try and wake the mr. wilson....successfully or not. then shower, more playtime, and a possible long walk or if we are lucky, a hang out with katy, nicole and ben, or even cody.
this summer has not been epic in any sense. we have not, and most likely will not go to the beach. we haven't gone to any parades, fairs, and only the farmer's market once. we've been to a bunch of parks, had picnics with my family, and plan on hittin' up the newberg old fashioned festival with my brother this weekend.
and i'm okay with this summer. it's been relaxing, kind of. as relaxing as a summer where your father in law is murdered, you're pregnant, have a 1 1/2 year old and no car, or money, or babysitter, and feel giant and fat, can be.
all's i can say is, bring on the damn autumn.
Love you! XO